Mafia Island Tanzania is a cut of the antiquated Swahili Coast that extends along the Tanzanian and Kenyan coastline.
The name “Mafia” is a turned form of the Arabic term morfieyeh, for aggregation that alludes to the Mafia archipelago.
Mafia Island appears to be unaffected by the hurrying around of whatever is left of the planet. Occupants of this cut of heaven proceed with their accepted lifestyle essentially undisturbed by the outside planet. That being said, if white sandy beaches and clear waters are your thing, Mafia is the spot to be!

Where is Mafia Island Tanzania?
This exceptional island is placed on the southern shore of Tanzania, close to the Rufiji Delta. It is 30 miles from north to south, and up to ten miles in broadness. Mafia Archipelago embodies one vast island (394 km²) and various more diminutive islands and uninhabited coral atolls arranged around the range of 120 km southeast of Dar-es-Salaam. It is for sure stunning that such an astonishing Island stays out of the way, an end just for the perceiving traveller.
Mafia is perfect for dynamic individuals, divers, mariners and walkers … searching for something truly distinctive, interesting and bizarre.
How do you get to Mafia Island?
To get to the island is by flights either from Zanzibar or from Dar es Salaam. Assuming that you need to see Mafia, you can take a transport from Dar es Salaam to Nyamisati which is on the edge of the territory bordering the Ocean, and thereupon by vessel to Mafia Island.
Exploring the Tanzanian island
Mafia Island Tanzania is a spot in the Pwani Region of Tanzania and is home to the biggest marine stop in East Africa. It gloats of the finest unbleached coral in the Indian Ocean and cases to have occupant Whale Sharks, something that lures divers from far and wide. Islands, sandbanks and vacation spots embody Mafia’s protected profound water safe haven and the first ever harbour.
The acceptable, ensured waters put forth phenomenal snorkeling, cruising and swimming prospects. Just past the Bay, a consistent reef develops for just about the length of the island, from Tutia in the south to Ras Mkumbi at the northern tip.
The history of this dreamy Island extends once again to the eighth century when Mafia assumed a huge part in aged exchange between the individuals of the Far East and terrain Tanzania.
The island is home to a collection of uncommon species incorporating green and hawksbill turtles, which sometimes lay their eggs on its wrack-strewn sunny shores. A 200m profound trough off the island is home to fish and marlin. Its individuals are fundamentally anglers; numerous additionally take part in little scale sustenance growth.
The Mafia Archipelago is a veritable heaven for nature significant others and jumpers and the ideal place for total unwinding.
The ‘far from everything’ place!
Mafia has a shocking and differed nature. This Archipelago will delight you with white sandy shores, otherworldly coral reefs, tropical vegetation ruled by huge palm forests, infringing baobab trees, apples and oranges trees. Additionally to be discovered in Mafia are Monkeys, little gazelles, wild pigs, lemurs and a minor settlement of diminutive person hippos. It is likewise a settling region for hawks and fish birds.
Things to do on Mafia Island
There are excursions offered on appeal to different islands in the Archipelago. The treks are carried out in conventional dhows to smaller islands like Jinbondo, Chole and Juani. On Chole Island there are a couple of self-guided trails that will take you around the island, e.g. the Bat Trail and the Village Trail. The trails furnish the chance of review a few destinations in Chole as an old German jail, the Persian ruins, market region and pontoon yard. You will likewise get to meet Chole’s cordial nearby individuals. Chole Island what’s more has a huge state of Comoro bats, a secured types of products of the soil consuming ‘flying foxes’
Once on Mafia Island, you can likewise investigate the neighborhood advertises in Utende and Kilindoni; appreciate the great Baobab trees and curious mangroves, which some way or another continue saline conditions; or only have a great time the sum without stress surroundings.
The island is a fine withdraw for enterprise looking for scuba divers, diversion anglers, and those absolutely in the chase for idyll unwinding and amusement.
There is convenience accessible on the pleasant island.
Hotels on Mafia Island
Search for hotels and resorts on Mafia Island in Tanzania below: